Monday 30 March 2015

Contents Page photo selection process 2.

These are some of the photographs to use for my contents page, which i took at the gig i went to. Some of them i really like such as the "KOKO" one at the bottom, also the clear ones of St Raymond (the band). I have used the bottom 3 on my actual contents page. 
However the first three are too blurry, the lighting isn't what i wanted and the view is wrong. So i have used the last 3 for my contents page, as the lighting is decent and i really like those photographs. They are also good to use as they will draw my target audience in as they are a "cool" band to go see. Likewise this will draw my target audience in as they will see that as the creators of the magazine we go to gigs and are interested in the same things as them. Overall i am pleased with this set of photographs and happy with how they turned out. 

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