Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Planning Photoshoot

The concept:I am going to need three different sets of photographs for my magazine. A set for the front cover, one for the contents page and the other for the double page spread.
For my front cover I want to style my friends as people such as Royal Blood or Paramore as they are two profound names in the rock/alternative world. They will also be recognizable and consequently a selling point of my magazine. Royal Blood are two men aged 20-30 so will be attractive to my target audience as they are relatable. They frequently wear black and look moody, so i will take these points as features that I might consider to remember when choosing people to model and then styling them. As it is my central image I will need a mid-shot as they are most commonly used, and most effective on the front of a magazine. I am going to need to give my models some direction in what I want them to do and I will decide this on the day.

My secondary image is going to be taken in a different set. I plan on having a picture of a huge crowd for a gig or concert. As I think this will be inviting and also a selling point as there will be a chance to win tickets to a concert in the magazine. I plan on taking these photos next week as I am going to a concert with my friend and therefore can take some shots of the crowd.
For my contents page, I have been thinking of some ideas and looking at existing products to get some inspiration of pictures which I can put here.  I have a couple of ideas, which are, for my first photo in my contents magazine I think I am going to have one of the shots I got from the concert, as this will be featured with a headline, which will be a selling point to the magazine. As it will show other people having fun at one of these gigs. Also in my contents page I want to have a picture of some people listening to music together, to advertise what the magazine is about, this will be people who listen to this genre of music, and who look like they do to make the target audience of the magazine obvious. For my last picture on my contents page I am going to have another exclusive picture of the band, which will be linked to a cover line also. 
My double page spread will have 1 image, and because it is going to be writing about a cover line the image needs to be anchored to that story. So I will have to choose these images when I decide on the story.
The Aims:My aims for my photo shoot are that I want them to link and be of anchorage to the magazine. They need to be inviting so that people then want to read about the story after seeing the image. Also they need to be exciting and genuine, whilst looking professional. They should also be relevant and entice people in, should they be seeing a photo of their "favourite band"
The locations:Set 1 – Band Photo I plan on taking this set in front of either a brick wall or in some sort of forest setting, so to make the band look mysterious and the "in the middle of nowhere" effect.   
Set 2- Concert crowdI plan on taking these photos at a concert I am going to next week. This will be a crowded location, and be taken outside with natural lighting.

The props: My second set will not have any props as they are going to be genuine photos from a concert. 
The equipment and preparation:I am going to be using my camera for all sets to ensure I get good quality photos, however in the concert i may use my phone camera so that they are slightly worse quality to make them look like genuine concert photos as i doubt many people take their big, professional cameras to gigs. 

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